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Enable Output of PL/SQL Block and View Output

Enable Output of PL/SQL Block and View Output

Topic Introduction: In PL/SQL, you can enable output or display messages from a PL/SQL block using the DBMS_OUTPUT package. This package provides procedures to display information and debugging messages during the execution of PL/SQL code. To enable and use DBMS_OUTPUT in a PL/SQL block, follow these steps:


To enable the output, you need to execute a SQL command to turn on the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer. You can do this using the following SQL command:


You can execute this SQL command before running your PL/SQL block. Many SQL client tools provide a way to execute this command or include it in your PL/SQL script.

Use DBMS_OUTPUT Procedures:

Inside your PL/SQL block, you can use the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure to display output messages. Here's an example of how to use it:

   message VARCHAR2(100);
   -- Assign a message to the variable
   message := 'Hello, World!';
   -- Display the message

In this example, the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure is used to display the "Hello, World!" message to the output.

View Output:

After executing the PL/SQL block, you can view the output in your SQL client tool's output or message console. The output will include any messages generated by the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE calls in your PL/SQL block.

Disable DBMS_OUTPUT (Optional):

If you want to turn off the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer after executing your PL/SQL block, you can use the following SQL command:


This will prevent any further messages from being displayed in the output.

Keep in mind that the specific method to enable output and view messages may vary depending on the SQL client or development environment you are using. The examples provided here are generic and should work in many Oracle database environments.

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