PL/SQL table in Oracle
PL/SQL table in Oracle
Topic Introduction: In PL/SQL, a PL/SQL table is a composite data type that can hold an indexed collection of data elements. It is similar to an array or a list in other programming languages. PL/SQL tables are useful when you need to store and manipulate a dynamic set of data elements without knowing the exact number of elements in advance.
PL/SQL tables characteristics:
Indexed Collection: Each element in a PL/SQL table is associated with an index, starting from 1. You can access, retrieve, and modify elements in the table using their respective indexes.
Dynamic Size: PL/SQL tables can grow or shrink in size at runtime, allowing you to add or remove elements as needed.
Homogeneous Data Type: All elements in a PL/SQL table must be of the same data type, such as integers, strings, or custom record types.
Local to a Block: PL/SQL tables are typically declared within a PL/SQL block and are not directly stored in the database like database tables.
Here's an example of declaring and using a simple PL/SQL table:
DECLARE-- Declare a PL/SQL table of integersTYPE number_table IS TABLE OF NUMBER;my_table number_table;BEGIN-- Populate the tablemy_table :=number_table (10,20,30,40);-- Access and modify elements using indexesmy_table (2) := 25; -- Change the second element to 25-- Loop through the elementsFOR i IN 1 .. my_table.COUNTLOOPDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Element ' || i || ': ' || my_table (i));END LOOP;END;
In this example, we declared a PL/SQL table of integers called my_table, populated it with four elements, modified the second element, and then looped through the elements to display their values.
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