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Date-Manipulation Functions in Oracle

Date-Manipulation Functions in Oracle

Topic Introduction: In this tutorial, we will show the use of Date-Manipulation Functions in Oracle.
In the Oracle database system, these functions exclusively work on dates, and their output is typically in the DATE data type, with the exception of the MONTHS_BETWEEN function, which returns a numeric value instead. This information suggests that users working within the Oracle system can rely on these functions to manipulate and analyze date data in a consistent and predictable manner.

Date-Manipulation Functions
Function Result
MONTHS_BETWEEN Number of months between two dates
ADD_MONTHS Add calendar months to date
NEXT_DAY Next day of the date specified
LAST_DAY Last day of the month
ROUND Round date
19 87
TRUNC Truncate date


Purpose: Find the number of months between the date1 and date2
Structure: MONTHS_BETWEEN(date1, date2)
Example1: select MONTHS_BETWEEN ('01-DEC-23','22-JAN-22') from dual;
Result: 22.3225806451613


Purpose: Adds n number of calendar months to date value must be an integer and will be positive.
Structure: ADD_MONTHS(date, n)
Example1: select ADD_MONTHS ('01-MAR-23',3) from dual;
Result: 01-JUN-23


Purpose: Find the date of the next specified day of the week ('char') on the following date.
Structure: NEXT_DAY(date, 'char')
Example1: select NEXT_DAY ('01-MAR-23','SATURDAY') from dual;
Result: 04-MAR-23


Purpose: Find the date of the last day of the month
Structure: LAST_DAY(date)
Example1: select LAST_DAY ('01-MAR-23') from dual;
Result: 31-MAR-23


Purpose: Returns date rounded to the unit that is specified by the format model fmt.
Structure: ROUND(date[,'fmt'])
SYSDATE: Assume SYSDATE = '19-AUG-22':
Example1: select ROUND(SYSDATE,'MONTH') from dual;
Result: 01-SEP-23
Example2: select ROUND(SYSDATE,'YEAR') from dual;
Result: 01-JAN-23


Purpose: Returns date with the time portion of the day truncated to the unit that is specified by the format model fmt.
Structure: TRUNC(date[, 'fmt'])
SYSDATE: Assume SYSDATE = '19-AUG-22':
Example1: select TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MONTH') from dual;
Result: 01-AUG-22
Example2: select TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR') from dual;
Result: 01-JAN-22

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